13 December, 2009

alright, fairfield, it's about that time

welcome to my new life.


J McO (change later) said...

Who knew you could be a drill sergeant, MC, babysitter, and business fashion model all at the same time? You are hot when you teach, even when I can't see your head. Bam.

This was fun to watch. I'm so proud of my rittre Ria. Did you make those songs up?

A student midwife said...

my dear Lia! Thanks for posting a little look into your life. I can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

Unknown said...

um. amazing. i was so scared when i heard, "quickly throw it away, we have 18 seconds!" and so excited when the songs began! who would have thought snapping could be so effective! a star is born.

Theresa said...

I love this. I love you. I miss you more than you might think I do.

Katie said...


l'écureuil said...

Wow! Go Lia! Thanks for posting this....I really enjoyed seeing you in action!

Liz Lambson said...

Wow. I was mesmerized for the whole 6:53. You never miss a beat! It's amazing! Merry Christmas, Lia!

sara said...

snap snap snap.

lia said...

snap. snaps are gross. this is truth.

Unknown said...

Lia you've got skilz that is for sure.

lisa said...

hahah! my favorite is when the first song started--going from all that snapping and then seeing the kids get so excited. You're a natural.

jendar said...

i love this so much!!! you are such a great teacher! i would have loved to have you as my teacher. when are you coming to the city again?