20 November, 2006

2 november, 2005: morning

i woke up to the soft pink glow of sunrise this morning.
the color seeped through my windows, tinting my curtains and walls and skin like an aquarell watercolor, transitioning my world from dream to reality
then back again.
i pulled the covers up to my chin, buttressing my body against the cold of the routine morning invasion, but the various books, pencils, and calculators protruding into my sides forced me to surrender and relinquish my spot in bed.
5:30 a.m.

nate called. he wanted to play switchy with our registrations.
6:00 a.m.

my preview to medicine class delivered its usual cynical, subjugating message. i systematically consumed the appropriate masochistic doses, waved hello to the guys that i know, then made my way to the fishbowl to meet my fellow o-chem sufferer. on the way i bumped into a pre-med i had crushed on earlier this year; he is now, appropriately, engaged. he, as well as his pre-dent friend, as well as every other guy i studied with this morning. i feel like i'm two years behind the draw, my left finger so very obviously naked.
catie finally came, lessoning my alien situation. catie graduated from orem high, is pre-pharmacy, and wears sparkly shoes with little cardigans.
i like catie.

but i don't particularly like o-chem. or studying.
so much to do, i'm not sure when i'll ever get it finished.

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