21 February, 2007


i'm giving up
crappy foods, like candy, cookies, doughnuts, chips, soda, cake, ice cream, and french fries
guilty pleasures, like facebook, tabloids, and instant messaging
weakly justified sins, like rationalized cheating, mild swearing, harmless gossiping, white lying

i'm going to
do the dishes right away, put away all of my clothes
read my scriptures faithfully, remember to say all of my prayers
wake up early, be on time, work efficiently
go swimming, go running
practice my chopins and my bachs
finish a pen and ink
finally prepare my presentation for the research conference
put in the necessary hours at work

i will
be more understanding, love others more fully
live life with a greater sense of awareness
grow beyond schedules and petty to-do lists
appreciate learning for the sake of learning
wonder at the prosaic beauty of simplicity

i'm going to
grow taller, skinnier, and maybe even thicker, shinier hair
pull off pointy-toed stilletos in the benson building
fly from place to place with grace and charm

oh right--
and tomorrow
i'm going to be suddenly perfect.

1 comment:

l'écureuil said...

1. I hear ya. It's tough to see the changes we want/need to make in our lives and to know that we can't make all of them right away.
2. The Benson Building isn't good enough for your stilettos. It will burn at the Final Judgment.
3. So what are you giving up for lent anyway?
4. I love you.