06 March, 2007

hot dogs

a woman stood immediately behind me in line at the costco food court this afternoon. at first glance she appeared to be in her twenties, but a fuller inspection revealed what the layers of caked-on makeup and bleached, matted blonde hair disguised.
i subconsciously decided her life story, what she was doing there, and where she would end up someday.
then i turned to the menu.

my thoughts of fruit shakes and pizza were interrupted by a sweet, rich voice drenched with years of tobacco and alcohol exclaiming behind me, "oh! what a beautiful ring you have! why, you are so beautiful!"

the matted blonde woman was smiling excitedly through her dense, mascara entangled eyelashes at someone beside her, and i suddenly recalled a little girl i had seen at a market the day before saying that very same thing. a darling, innocently childish young blonde dripping with life and the potential to go out into the world and accomplish amazing things.

and i don't know why, but my eyes suddenly brimmed with tears.

in my embarrassment i walked away with two polish hot dogs i had no intention of eating.


Nichole said...

I cry at fairly odd moments as well. In California when we were visiting some friends, John's ex-roommate's wife (that's a long one... haha) showed me a picture of new new niece. I immediately teared up. Yikes! But you know what? I love being a woman and feeling more emotionally connected to things that would seem mundane. It isn't wrong to connect meaning to everyday events. I think this is sweet.

Alan said...

...and while it may be the case in some situations, i don't know if connecting meaning to everyday events and being moved by it is more the trait of a woman as much as an emotional person...i'd like to think i drink up life, and cry occasionally doing it.