01 June, 2008

memo to friends

what i've been up to in korea (thus far, and in no particular order):

1. do you rike mr. chickan? or: korean is so much more fun when it tries to be english.

2. we love contemporary art, or: how having the national gallery five minutes from your apartment is sort of like ecstasy (the state of being and maybe even the drug).

3. ten years too late, i find out about woody allen's salacious affair with his korean step-daughter, or: how i've become obsessed with reading random wikipedia articles late into the night, in the hopes of becoming like oskar schell (a protagonist in extremely loud and incredibly close, a book which all of you should probably get a hold of immediately).

4. 2 is the new size 10, or: how everyone in seoul is ridiculously skinny. welcome to the opposite of america? other miniscule things: cars, the width of streets, clothes, bananas, milk cartons.

5. don't talk to strangers, and don't, by any means, take candy from them, or: what life is like under the wing of an over-protective grandmother. similar titles might include: keep a constant distance of five meters from the subway, clutch your purse for dear life at all times, and if you take your own chopsticks to the restaurant you have a 0.0002% less chance of catching a rare bacterial disease.

6. lcd soundsystem is so summer 2008, or: my i-pod is a great friend on the subway. also, mozart's sinfonia concertante during breakfast and brahms' sonata for two pianos in the shower. yes, oh yes.

7. where can i get a hold of those hot circa 1970's frames? or: only on koreans can skinny jeans look this good. korean trends + unlimited shopping venues = a shop-addict's paradise and a student bank account's purgatory. help?

8. woah eighties hair! or: how high humidity can do wonders for your complexion and even more for frizzy locks.

9. "that's where the elders meet for their daily council." "really?! elders? what?" "um no, not really." or: how being in a foreign country lends itself to an extreme amount of naiveté.

10. the first thing that comes to mind is lovely, or:


A and O said...

I don't just rike Mr. Chickan, I ROVE Mr. Chickan!

...but not as much a I Rove you, Ria!


ps-your pics are absolutely lovely.

Anonymous said...

love that you are there...for how long? hope all is well. eat some kimchi for me. I love the stuff!!