22 June, 2008

remember when

remember when you were four and in a moment of ignorant exasperation annihilated your bangs with a pair of kitchen scissors?

remember when you were twenty-two and did it again?


Nichole said...

Or twenty-five. ;) Makes me want to do it again. I've never thought of my hair as sacred, it's just an accessory I happen to grow out of my head.

Unknown said...

picture please!!?

micemilk said...

i did that in 7th grade... SOOOO embarrassing. sigh. my sister cut hers a 1/2 in to the scalp when she was 7. goofball.

ps. i miss you too. i hope you come out for a visit in the future so i can love you in person.
love you long distance, kimmy

ashmae said...

i think you're talking to the queen. remember when my hair was two different lengths on two sides of my head on my mission due to the exquisite desperation for change? the only tool being a pair of dull scissors. it's good for us!