11 August, 2008

the secret to conquering 60% humidity, rising temperatures, and a summer without air conditioning:

"isn't that a bit... old fashioned?" you say. "a little bit miss manners circa 1953?" i mean, where did you even get a hold of such a thing?"

"a handkerchief," i reply, "is the most useful thing to have ever inhabited my pocket. observe" (as i dab hopelessly at the torrential waterfalls pouring angrily down my forehead and into my capsizing eyelids, resurfacing again into spiralling curls on my was-straight-five-minutes-ago-hair, dripping like sparkling dew drops off my elbows) - "it's as if the heat doesn't even affect me at all."


Nichole said...

I learned that in Ukraine. I went through at least a packet of tissues a day. Very useful.

Unknown said...

amazing. i think i'm going to embroider a hankie with a gator and send it to trish (a treat to help survive florida).

i had a friend who served his mission in panama and as a joke he would pull out a white hankie and wipe his forehead while saying in the thickest southern drawl: "looord almighty, is it EVAH hot." so perfect.

STEVEN said...

The Bell Jar is a great book! I have always wanted to read it but never got around to it till this summer.
Turns out I am not moving out East anymore. I am staying in Provo another year (and being promoted to BYU Faculty!) Will you around in the Fall? Lunch?