30 August, 2008

there was a time when i was really quite funny (or at least i thought so)

once upon a time (or more accurately, when i was 9 years old) i thought it would be a brilliant idea to collect all the funny jokes i knew in a book i titled, appropriately and creatively, the joke book.

i even thought to write the answers upside down.

once upon a time (or more accurately, yesterday) i came across this very book on a forgotten, dusty shelf. a sampling:

what did the toothbrush say to the toothpaste?
please don't put your lips on me.

what's the best time to go to the dentist?
tooth o'clock

what did the soap say to the water?
i'm going to soak you up.

where do most ghosts live?
in a dead end

might it still be appropriate to throw these into conversation every now and again, just to show off my sparkling wit and delicious humor?


Nichole said...

What do pigs use when they get hurt?


Yes, I will never tire of these childhood jokes. They are the only ones I remember too.

David Grover said...

Tooth o'clock—HA! WOO! MAN!

That's a good one.

Unknown said...

you should maybe consider changing your VM to the ghost joke come october--how amazing would that be!? i wish little lia and little amy had been friends. i have a feeling a lot of giggling would have been going on.

Patricia said...

girl, you better believe that if a joke is funny when you're 9 it will work on adult men. you know, same maturity level. ba-zing.