01 April, 2009

i am for the art of bread wet by rain.

i am for the art of friends studying at borders. i am for the art of late night conversations on the telephone. i am for the art of front room discussions on women's issues. i am for the art of sleep-overs on blown up mattresses with grapes, yogurt, and tivo. i am for the art of mid-afternoon philosophizing. i am for the art of giving in to purchasing books. i am for the art of parking lot dance parties. i am for the art of poems left in packages. i am for the art of making last minute phone friends. i am for the art of waxing nostalgic over a million beautiful provo memories. and i am for the art of accepting my addiction to diet coke with lime, staying up too late at night, and joining a silly site called twitter.

thank you, claes oldenburg, for sponsoring this moment in time.


A student midwife said...

i am for the art of lia kim.

Liz Lambson said...

Oh, I'm so glad I just found your blog. Why didn't I know?

Anonymous said...

Oh Claes! Love him and love you! This was a lovely little post. It's "these are a few of my favorite things", but so much better :)

Unknown said...

in lurv with this. and you.

J McO (change later) said...

I'm down with all that except Diet Coke and Twitter. And dance parties.

I'm for the art of poop on a stick.