09 March, 2010

3, 2, 1...


sometimes. sort of?

the two (plus) week internet drought that has descended on my life has left me feeling faint. weak. lost in the world of things. and so, what better time to re-instigate my presence in the world of blogger than now, when i should be lesson planning?

i'm now going to proceed to read and comment on everything i can find -



sara said...

that last sentence, it's funny because it's true.

with that said, i am excited for your entries to continue. i love your words.

Unknown said...

I like it when you blog. and you.

Unknown said...

yes! note: i should also be lesson planning right now. it's so hard! dear students, please teach yourselves tomorrow, love, Mrs. Christensen. Love you!

jendar said...

that's so true! now that I should be working on my thesis here I am reading you blog and commenting on it. anyway, I hope you are well and also hope that next time you are in the city we can hang out. come soon so we can go to the whitney biennale together!!!xo