20 November, 2006

24 january, 2006: week three

coming out of the library, my head was bathed in my breath. i could feel the cold seeping through my clothes, layer by layer, into my skin, battling the warmth hovering inside my hooded sweatshirt. no use.
on the way home, my head started pounding again. somewhere in my forehead above the left ear. i tried to remember what that part of the brain was called, but stopped when i thought about the painful pulses marching across my head. instead i joined in on random phrases to some coldplay crooning on the radio, in another futile attempt to take my mind off the cold.
when you feel so tired but you can't sleeeeeep
no, no sleep,
especially not when i have mounds of developmental biology to memorize and countless other things to do.
so i piled some oranges on a plate and got to work.

1: neurulation.

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