20 November, 2006

9 october, 2006: remember me?

because i don't.

i am sitting in the periodicals section of the library. it is 11:16 pm, and i have yet to really begin my homework. i am listening to my i pod-- saint saen's danse macabre-- and surfing the internet. i have ballet flats on my feet and a messy bun in my hair.

all seems to be as it should be.

but then if you go a little deeper, look past my clothes and my laugh and that backpack i've been carrying since highschool
you'll be greeted by a total stranger.

a girl who has been pretending so diligently that her life is still the same
that she still wants to go to medical school
that she still likes the same kinds of boys
that she loves the church and reads her scriptures
that she is kind and loving to everyone
that she is in every way on top of her life
that she lives life with passion and purpose

that she doesn't even know herself anymore.

a girl that has been telling herself that she'll get around to fixing things for so long now
that fixing things don't even seem to be an option anymore.

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