08 March, 2007

my achilles’ heel

there is nothing in the world that i love more than classical music.


Nichole said...

I can think of one thing... and it's hot dogs. Sorry, I'm a sarcastic brat. Hehe...

l'Ă©cureuil said...

and there's nothing i love more than hearing you talk about classical music...

"A passionate, summertime one night stand with anger and lust and beautiful sensual strains..."

Thank you. I love you.

Blueyedane said...

I know that you don't know me from adam but you were listed as a link on another blog and I am totally new to this so I hope it is okay to post a comment.

All I really wanted to say was that I agree with you. I love listening to classical music. It is so freeing. Thats not really the word I would use but for lack of a better word freeing will have to do.

Anonymous said...

Why is is listening to classical music your achilles heel? That sound pejorative.

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Found your blog through http://innocertainterms.blogspot.com/

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Love the heading east blog which I discovered through your links. Did you know his wife is Korean and has a blog too: http://www.eggbop.com

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I'll be back!