28 October, 2008

october 2008

oil paint stained hair, elbows, cheeks, pants, shirts, shoes, ipod, books - gesture drawings, paintings, green shadows and purple highlights - frantic writing scribbled in notebooks in disney world lines - 3 am developmental biology readings - eyes glazed over 2pm mmbio 441 lectures - kant, labels, understanding, fighting set-points - teach for america, orca grants, exhibitions - midnight painting and philosophizing with morganne - late night speakerphone calls with palette knifes and figure paintings - canyon drives and sigur ros - robert ryman and white having a tendency to make things beautiful - corn flakes with soy milk and bananas, coconut cream pie yogurt with stolen bookstore spoons - 25 minute swim workouts and yoga and cardio cinema running - autobiographical essays that say nothing autobiographical - falling into the atlantic ocean and embracing pure nakedness with patricia - roommate councils and dancing and laughing and walden at 6 am - thursday tofu dinners and vegetarianism and bean burritos from taco bell when i'm busy - curled up nights on the couch with my laptop - prokofiev and piano concertos and biking - three operas and two shopping sprees in five days - stream-of-consciousness lunches and walks and gatherings and fallings.


Nichole said...

That sounds about right. The only part missing is "jumping on Nichole's bed and reading Twilight together while giggling wildly." Miss you...

Krisanne said...

yeah, leah. i'm kinda in love with your poetic words and poetic life.

Unknown said...

yes, so lovely. oh and my word verification is "grated"...i've never had an actual word with these things!