31 October, 2008

why i stopped sleeping

or: what i have been up to in the last week or so.

abstract painting midterm
figure painting midterm
self portrait studies
orca grant proposal
mmbio quizes, presentation, paper, proposal, and exam
pdbio paper, grant proposal, and exam
teach for america final interview (!)
creative non-fiction essays, readings, presentation

last night i slept on my bed (as opposed to the living room floor) for the first time in a week, for a full eight hours. it felt so indulgent.
and when my alarm went off at six:


Patricia said...

lia, i completely support the snooze move. i hardly get up these days at all.

Unknown said...

ahhhhhhh! aren't you so glad it's OVER?

girl with freckles said...

i would like to know if you are selected for TFA.